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This site is for anyone who wants to learn Gnosis but does not have a Gnostic center of the MGI nearby.

Our online course focuses on Gnosis, as unveiled in the works of V.M. Samael Aun Weor.

It consists of 17 seminars.

Every week you will receive:

• A video.

• A reading in PDF format.

• A weekly practice or meditation.

• Three questions to answer.

Throughout the course, you will be in contact with a qualified instructor, to whom you can always ask your questions.

These classes are focused on Awakening of Consciousness and Latent Faculties through the Knowledge of Oneself and of the Universe.

All our online courses will allow you to experience the Gnostic teachings anywhere in the world.

Answers to universal questions:

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When we start answering questions like:

Who are we?          

Where do we come from?

Where are we going?

What are we living for?

Why do we often live in fear of hunger, loneliness, sickness... and can we overcome any of these fears? When we get the answers to these questions by direct experience, that is your Gnosis!

Do you feel deep down in your heart that there must be something more...

Something that explains your presence here on Planet Earth.

Here we will provide you with the tools to find those answers.

“GNOSIS” is a word that comes from the Greek meaning KNOWLEDGE.

However not any kind of knowledge; but knowledge from Direct Experience of what IS.

Knowledge of the “Divine.” Knowledge beyond the 5 senses.

Knowledge allowing you to perceive spiritual truths that come from within.

Gnosis is a form of wisdom that has existed throughout history but was not revealed to all.

Now anyone can have this knowledge and experience a state of Awakened Consciousness, once one makes the decision to examine one's hidden ability.

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We live in a stressful world, full of problems: social, family related, financial, etc.

Our mind is always occupied trying to find solutions to these problems, trying to make ends meet.

To experience the reality that is beyond the 5 senses we have to calm our chaotic mind, it has to be at peace. "Only a mind at peace can solve problems."

Gnosis does not belong to any particular race, culture or religion, but to Humanity.

Gnosis is practical from beginning to end; here we will teach you how to achieve your Gnosis.

With dedicated practice and our teaching technique, you will come by your own knowledge, your own Gnosis. And as they say, "Practice makes perfect."

Gnosis does not seek to “convert” anyone, instead allowing each individual to deepen their own self-discovery, find their own path.

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Revealing to one what has been hidden.

This ancient Wisdom vibrates in the depths of the Being of each of us, patiently waiting to be rediscovered.

It is our mission to help you make this happen.

This Awakening of the Consciousness is essential to truly Know Ourselves (Gnosis) and find the true purpose of our existence.

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You are invited to take our online course, all that is required is determination, patience, and persistence, to study and practice these teachings.

"...We unveiled what was veiled. Anyone who wants to self-realize completely now can do it. Here is the guide; here is the complete teaching."

Samael Aun Weor

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Who are we?

As members of the International Gnostic Movement, we offer a Complete Theoretical and Practical GNOSTIC Course ONLINE.


Our courses are designed to be understood by anyone.

The student receives all the basic information, both in theory and practice, so each person can experience on their own these Teachings.

Arugnosis in collaboration with the MGI and its sister website Venerabilis Opus is a distance learning platform available to anyone interested in learning Gnosis.

All our online courses are free.

The founder


Samael Aun Weor founded the International Gnostic Movement in the 1950's, which now is a worldwide movement. He was an anthropologist, philosopher, healer and esoterist.

He published numerous books and gave hundreds of lectures on the Gnostic spiritual path, with the sole aim of giving a superior knowledge to all humankind.

In a direct and clear style, he reveals the teachings of the ancient Mysteries and provides answers to the eternal questions like:

What is the origin of humanity, of the Earth and of the races.

The books of V.M. Samael Aun Weor reveal an extraordinary knowledge, and demonstrate a wealth of practical experience.

Some of his works include psychology, meditation, natural medicine and occult science.

Infinite gratitude to V.M. Samael Aun Weor who has revealed this ancient Knowledge to Humanity in this modern era.

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We also invite you to visit the website of the MGI and Venerabilis Opus to learn more about their work and access the Work of V.M. Samael Aun Weor and a vast collection of books and conferences for free    

MGI website link

Venerabilis Opus website link

Receiving the knowledge

I received my classes online.


As you will also!

Giving you the liberty to work at your own pace and convenience. 

You will learn how to relax your body and mind, how to meditate, how to find your inner balance among other things.



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Course Topics:

• Gnosis (3 Classes)

• Psychology (3 Classes)

• Dreams and Astral (4)

• Meditation (4)

• Psychocosmology (4)

• Mysteries of Life & Death (3)

• Gnostic Anthropology (3)

• Kabbalah (2)

• Alchemical Mysteries (4)

• Initiatic Christic Esotericism (3)

• Practices for Awakening & Healing (4)

• Origin and Dissolution of the Ego (3)

• To Be or Not to Be (4)

• Light and Darkness (3)

• Gnostic Astrology (2)

• Tarot And Numerology (3)

• The Intimate Self-Realization of the Being (4)



Sign up

Fill in the form below to reserve a place in the course.

Thank You for Contacting Us!

Instructor´s name: Marjorie


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